Modern Sales Management
Required Best CRM Software

Increase your sales with TechoERP integrated sales CRM modules.
Sales management

Business Success with the Power of CRM Tools

A tool known as customer relationship management (CRM) is used to handle all interactions and relationships between your business and its clients. The objective is straightforward: to strengthen business ties. CRM systems assist businesses in maintaining contact with customers, streamlining procedures, and boosting profitability.

Sales pipeline

Sales Pipeline

The process of handling incoming sales opportunities and following them through the various phases of the lead's journey until they are finally closed as won or lost is sometimes described as sales pipeline management.

Contact Management

You can develop a single, unified perspective of the consumer by combining the tracking of contacts, their interactions with your company, the products they purchase, the ones they don't, and the difficulties they encounter.


The user interface that people use to engage with the data they need to conduct their jobs is provided through forms. It's critical that the forms users fill out are made to make it easy for them to quickly locate or enter the data they require.
Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

CRM mostly uses marketing automation for these reasons, which have changed substantially over time and are now more difficult to understand than ever.
Cloud Telephony

Cloud Telephony

Real-time customer management can be greatly aided by a CRM with built-in cloud telephony. Your company needs to make the most of every minute while pursuing leads. Cloud telephony enables employees to place and receive calls from any location.

Social Media Management

With the help of a Social CRM, your teams can use social media to better understand and communicate with consumers, learn more about the market, and deliver better customer service. A Social CRM is your Customer Relationship Management software that integrates with social media platforms.
Work from home

Work From Home

Real-time data synchronisation between several sales teams allows for seamless cooperation. As a result, your system has fewer errors, fewer data silos, and fewer bothersome duplicates. You may work from any location if your CRM is cloud-based, which is a benefit.
WhatsApp Integration

Whatsapp Integration

The most widely used and current messaging app is WhatsApp. Both personal and professional use of this is made. By connecting WhatsApp with their CRM platforms, businesses that utilise the app for business might gain further advantages.


You can private, secure, fast team messaging app for real time effective communication.Also integrated with CRM & other modules of TechoERP to make your communication systematic & result oriented.